Participation Agreement
I acknowledge that risks from participation in class activities exist and that I have allowed my child and/or myself to attend art class knowing these risks and their possible consequences, including personal injury that can result from the use of art materials such as (but not limited to) sewing needles, hot glue guns, scissors, carving tools...etc. I give my express permission to Gem Studio (LLC) to participate in class trips outside of the studio to local parks and the use of their facilities during camp days. I acknowledge the risks involved in trips outside the premises of the studio, including playground injuries and traffic accidents. In the case of a medical emergency, I consent for any employee or representative of Gem Studio to seek reasonable medical treatment, emergency or otherwise, at any time for me/my child. I agree to be liable and responsible for the cost of such treatment.
By participating in classes at Gem Studio, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any and all injuries, claims, causes of action, and/or any other liability arising from my child’s attendance and participation in our services and programs at Gem Studio. I further affirm that I understand the contents of this agreement and am free to choose not to participate in said program or make use of said services. I affirm that I have decided to allow myself/my child to participate in programs and services provided at Gem Studio with the full knowledge that Gem Studio and all of its staff and volunteers will not be liable to anyone for personal injuries and property damage my child or myself may suffer while at Gem Studio.